Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It worked!

It looks like my spring cleaning paid off, or feels like it at least. We enjoyed an absolutely beautiful day yesterday. The weather man reported a record high of 66 degrees, which felt amazing!

It was warm enough to open the windows up and go outside to play. The girls were very excited to ride their bikes even though Zaylia refused to ride her new "big-girl bike". She can't quite figure out the pedals and wanted to stick with the 3 wheeler, little stinker. We'll have to work on that one later.

We also cooked up some delicious abc burgers (avocado bacon cheese) outside on the grill, yum! It's too bad that this weather won't stick around much longer. The weather man is predicting rain and snow until next Tuesday, bummer. I guess that means I need to get going on some more spring cleaning...

Now for a story about the picture, don't we have an amazing view? I sure think so! I once stood on the very peak of the mountain pictured above. Now that was an incredible experience. I would post a picture but it was about 11 years ago and I'm not exactly sure where those pictures are... I guess I'll just have to take more! I am planning on making that hike again this summer with Toby, so when we do, I'll post the pictures.

I love these beautiful mountains I get to see everyday. I love all the changes that come with the seasons, the white snow in the winter, the green in the spring and summer and the vivid red, orange and yellow in autumn. I have never lived anywhere without mountains and I feel like they are a part of me and my identity. I'll even admit that whenever I visit a place without mountains, I feel a little homesick for them.


  1. Yes please do some more spring cleaning and thank you very much for bringing it to us, lol! If you get too clean you can come over and do mine next ;)
    Wow that is awesome you hiked up there, I haven't hiked in forever but I love doing it. Is there a particular trail that you take?
    ABC burgers...mmmm... sounds good. Great I'm hungry now! :)

  2. I can't wait for some more nice spring days. We've all got spring fever at my house. I also enjoy living so close to the mountains - such a pretty view no matter where we look it seems.

  3. If you really feel the urge to clean, yhou're welcome at my house anytime! :) Lovely view!!
